Studium und Zusatzausbildungen

 Praktische Ausbildungen:

  •  1997 - 1999 SMZ OST Wien
  • 1999-2002 Elternkarenz
  •  2003 Lehrpraxis Dr. Erwin Schenzel, Göttlesbrunn
  • 2002-2005 Krankenanstalt Rudolfstiftung
  • 2005 – 2006: Gutachtertätigkeit für das Gesundheitsamt der Stadt Wien
  • Seit 2006 Begutachtungsärztin im chefärztlichen Dienst Sozialversicherungsanstalt der Bauern/Selbständigen
  • 2020-2022: Ärztin für Allgemeinmedizin, psychosomatische und psychotherapeutische Medizin in der  psychiatrischen Rehabiliationsklinik Hollenburg 
  • Seit 2007 Wahlarztordination in Göttlesbrunn

Psychosoma - medizinische Psychotherapie und orthomolekulare Medizin


Es gilt unsere Datenschutzerklärung.

Iris Steineck's research while affiliated with University of Vienna 

Publications (5)
Prediction of pseudophakic capsular bag diameter based on biometric variables
Nov 1999

Clemens Vass
Rupert Menapace
Karin Schmetterer[...]
Iris Steineck
To measure the capsular bag diameter (CBDm) in vivo and calculate a regression formula for future preoperative prediction of capsular bag diameter (CBDp). Department of Ophthalmology, University of Vienna, Austria. This prospective study comprised 70 eyes having cataract surgery with implantation of an open capsular tension ring (CTR)

Sphärische korneale Refraktionsänderungen nach kornealen und sklerokornealen Tunnelschnitten

Jan 1999
Clemens Vass
Rupert Menapace
K. Strenn
I. Steineck
Purpose To compare the effect of different clear corneal incisions (CCIs) and sclerocorneal incisions on the spherical corneal refraction. Methods Two hundred and four eyes having cataract surgery were included. The following incisions were compared: 3 mm CCI without precut (n=29), 3 mm CCI with 300 µm deep precut (n=26), 3 mm CCI with 700 µm deep...

Prediction of pseudophakic capsular bag diameter based on biometric variables 1 1 None of the authors has a proprietary or financial interest in any work or product mentioned. 2 2 Viktor Scheiber, Department of Medical Statistics, University of Vienna, assisted with the statistical analysis
Jan 1999
Clemens Vass
Rupert Menapace
Karin Schmetterer
Iris Steineck[...]

PurposeTo measure the capsular bag diameter (CBDm) in vivo and calculate a regression formula for future preoperative prediction of capsular bag diameter (CBDp).

Comparative study of corneal topographic changes after 3.0 mm beveled and hinged clear corneal incisions
Dec 1998
Clemens Vass
Rupert Menapace
Georg Rainer[...]
Iris Steineck
To compare the corneal topographic changes after cataract surgery using 2 types of clear corneal incisions (CCIs). Department of Ophthalmology, University of Vienna, Austria. This prospective, unmasked, nonrandomized study comprised 64 eyes scheduled for cataract surgery; 29 eyes received a temporal sutureless 3.0 mm corneal beveled CCI and 35 eyes...

Präoperative Berechnung des Kapselsackdurchmessers mittels multipler Regressionsanalyse
Jan 1998
Clemens Vass
Rupert Menapace
K. Strenn
I. Steineck

  • Plate-haptic intraocular lenses (IOL) may predispose for decentration if their length does not exceed the capsular bag diameter. The latter has been reported to be 10.3 mm on average. For an individual patient it is impossible to measure the capsular bag diameter preoperatively. We measured the capsular bag diameter after cataract surgery in 78 eye...


Steineck Iris Andrea, Dr. med.
Ärztin für Allgemeinmedizin
Zusatzgebiet: Spezialisierung in fachspezifischer psychosomatischer Medizin
Ärztin für psychotherapeutische Medizin

1200 Wien, Forsthausgasse 16-20
2464 Göttlesbrunn, Weinbergstraße 33
Telefon: 0676 3763800



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